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Firethorne Community Association


Lakes & Trails

The Firethorne Lake is for the use and enjoyment of all members in good standing and their guests. It features a walking/jogging trail six-tenths of a mile in length that follows the perimeter of the Lake Firethorne, roughly 2 mile track around the Wildlife habitat, and 1/2 mile unofficial trail around Ryan's pond. Seating is also available at certain points along the trail. Shaded seating is located under the trees near the waterfall.
Fishing is also permitted in Lake Firethorne. Stocked varieties are Blue Gill Sunfish, Red Ear Sunfish and Florida Hybrid Bass.
Lake Association Rules:
1. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests.
2. Guests must be accompanied by a resident member at all times.
3. Children under the age of twelve (12) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of eighteen (18) while at the lake.
4. No boats, canoes, rafts or other watercraft are permitted in the lake.
5. No swimming, diving, or wading is permitted in the lake.
6. Jumping or climbing into the lake, or waterfall is not permitted.
7. Animals are not permitted in the lake.
8. There shall be no introduction of fish or fowl into the lake without the expressed permission of the Association.
9. Fishing by rod and reel is permitted on the shore line only. There shall be no fishing from the deck or waterfall. All residents must abide by catch-and-release policies. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be subject to prosecution. Spotlight fishing and the use of cast nets are not allowed.
10. Lake water may not be drawn for any private use.
11. All pets must be kept on a leash while in community common areas.
12. All pet waste must be removed by the owner. Trash stations are placed along the lake trail for your convenience.
13. These rules are subject to change by a vote of the Firethorne Community Association Board of Directors.
The name "Firethorne" is trademark protected and owned by JDC/ Firethorne, Ltd. It may not be used in any form or fashion without written permission from JDC/ Firethorne, Ltd. Any use of the name in name of groups and advertisements of any sort is unauthorized.
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